30 juli, v.a. 21:00
Cultvideotheek NextPage
Delistraat 40-42
De films van Karel Doing handelen over onverfilmbare onderwerpen zoals muziek, ritme, poëzie, dood, herinnering, geluk, en bovennatuurlijke waarneming. Zijn films zijn muzikale beeldraadsels die de toeschouwer rechtstreeks in hart en hersens raken danwel met een gevoel van verwarring en verbazing achter laten. Begonnen als bewonderaar van de surrealisten, de romantic aesthetics en de new american cinema heeft Karel Doing zich ontwikkeld tot een volstrekt eigenzinnige filmmaker die zijn inspiratie net zo makkelijk uit een thaise ghostmovie, een essayistische documentaire als uit een met de hand ontwikkelde conceptuele experimentele film haalt. Hij werkt veelvuldig samen met componisten, musici, performers, dansers en beeldend kunstenaars. Zijn films zijn te zien in een scala aan verschillende vertoningsplaatsen, van museum, via theater, naar cinema en internet, in zowel mondiale kunstcentra (New York, London, Parijs) als minder voor de hand liggende lokaties (Jakarta, Paramaribo, Kabelvåg).
The films of Karel Doing are about non filmable subjects such as music, rhythm, poetry, death, memory, felicity en supernatural observations. His films are musical visual riddles that hit the audience directely in heart and mind or leave them in a state of confusement and perplexity. After starting as an admirer of the surrealists, romantic aesthetics and the new american cinema, Karel Doing has developed into a headstrong filmmaker who gets his inspiration as easily from a thai ghostmovie, an essayistic documentary or a handdeveloped conceptual experimental film. He works often together with composers, musicians, performers, dancers and visual artists. His films are screened in a wide range of public spaces such as musea, theaters, cinema and internet, as well in global art crosspoints (New York, London, Paris) as on less obvious locations (Jakarta, Paramaribo, Kabelvåg)
The films of Karel Doing are about non filmable subjects such as music, rhythm, poetry, death, memory, felicity en supernatural observations. His films are musical visual riddles that hit the audience directely in heart and mind or leave them in a state of confusement and perplexity. After starting as an admirer of the surrealists, romantic aesthetics and the new american cinema, Karel Doing has developed into a headstrong filmmaker who gets his inspiration as easily from a thai ghostmovie, an essayistic documentary or a handdeveloped conceptual experimental film. He works often together with composers, musicians, performers, dancers and visual artists. His films are screened in a wide range of public spaces such as musea, theaters, cinema and internet, as well in global art crosspoints (New York, London, Paris) as on less obvious locations (Jakarta, Paramaribo, Kabelvåg)

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